What firewall to use with AVG Free?

Beth, AVG Free will work OK with Windows firewall.
AVG Guru

But why is there an offer in my free avg to have a free avg firewall? I rather have a free avg n free avg firewall working together right? They are from the same company !

User John Smith has posted their own topic (https://support.avg.com/answers?id=906b0000000DOiRAAW).
AVG Guru

I've just installed AVG Free and see that it doesn't come with a firewall. Is there a preferred one to use or is Windows okay?

But why is there an offer in my free avg to have a free avg firewall? I rather have a free avg n free avg firewall working together right? They are from the same company !

Beth, AVG Free will work OK with Windows firewall.
AVG Guru