Where are the VPN servers by AVG located?

Hello Emiel,
You can reach your favorite websites or TV shows from your location ( for all the main cities in the world websites) with AVG Secure VPN (it have multiple server), it gives you online privacy, security, and freedom. With a VPN, you can safely connect to any network, and surf the web anywhere, anytime and gain access to any site, no matter where you are. If you're in Canada, then your home/nearest VPN server should be Toronto, you can gain access to any site from Canada (you just have to change the AVG Secure VPN sever/location). For more information about AVG Secure VPN please click on the following ink (http://www.avg.com/en-us/secure-vpn).
Best regards,

Well, that's pretty much my question:
Where are the VPN servers by AVG located?

After some googling I feel they use loads of servers, scattered across the globe.
I was wondering if / looking for an VPN server located in Canada, on international waters
or wherever highly secure.

Hello Emiel,
You can reach your favorite websites or TV shows from your location ( for all the main cities in the world websites) with AVG Secure VPN (it have multiple server), it gives you online privacy, security, and freedom. With a VPN, you can safely connect to any network, and surf the web anywhere, anytime and gain access to any site, no matter where you are. If you're in Canada, then your home/nearest VPN server should be Toronto, you can gain access to any site from Canada (you just have to change the AVG Secure VPN sever/location). For more information about AVG Secure VPN please click on the following ink (http://www.avg.com/en-us/secure-vpn).
Best regards,