Good day.
a very simple question here; what is the location of the quarantine folder on my mac? i want to see the folder and its contents not thru AVG quarantine menu but thru my folders and subfolders.
btw, does uninstalling AVG from mac also delete trash remover any files that were quarantined?
Hello Wa. Thank you for your patience. My name is Shawn and I am writing to you on behalf of the AVG Senior Support team.
Specific to your concern, the path for the quarantine file is: Library/Application Support/AVGAntivirus/config/chest-data
To clarify, the chest folder is set by default with permission that a mac user account cannot access it.
Although not recommended,, it is possible to change the permission. However, the quarantined files in the chest folder are coded and the files are renamed with just numbers and letters.
Lastly, upon uninstalling AVG, the uninstall process will delete the chest folder and the quarantined files.
I trust this explanation helps clarify your concern. Regards, Shawn
Hello Wa.
We'd be glad to help.
Uninstalling AVG from Mac will remove all installation files including the quarantine folder.
Regarding accessing the contents of quarantine through the folders, we'll check this with our technical team and get back to you at the earliest possible.
Hello Gaby,
Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback. Customer insight is extremely helpful in improving our service.
If you'd like to more about AVG Quarantine, please refer to the below article.
Quarantine - Getting Started
Note: Quarantine is a safe place in AVG AntiVirus for storing potentially harmful files and completely isolating them from the rest of your operating system. Files in Quarantine cannot be accessed or run by any outside processes, software applications, or viruses.
For further queries or need assistance, feel free to contact us.
Have a great day, stay safe online with AVG!
your answers solved my problems now. thank you!
Hello hyey,
Thank you for contacting AVG Community Support.
Let us know if you have any concerns related to AVG and we'll check and help you.
Thank you.
Hi Otis,
We're glad to look into this & help you.
From your description, we're uncertain as to how we can assist you further.
Would you be so kind as to elaborate your concern & share us more details?
Awaiting your response.
Hi Wa Zek,
The quarantine folder in AVG is not directly accessible through your Mac's file system for security reasons. AVG secures quarantined files in a protected environment to ensure they cannot accidentally be restored or tampered with outside the AVG application.
To view the quarantined items, follow these steps:
1. Open the AVG Antivirus application.
2. Navigate to the Menu and select Quarantine.
Here, you can view, restore, or permanently delete the quarantined files.
Regarding your second question:
If you uninstall AVG from your Mac, the quarantined files are typically deleted along with the application. However, it’s always a good idea to clear the quarantine section manually if you're concerned about sensitive files.
For industries like aviation or marine, where safety is paramount and systems are reliant on secure data transfer and monitoring, solutions like AVG are critical. At Aerosol International (, we focus on ensuring our equipment runs smoothly and efficiently with the help of advanced monitoring systems, but cybersecurity tools like AVG ensure that these systems remain safe from malware.
Feel free to reach out if you have more questions!
Hello Gaby,
Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback. Customer insight is extremely helpful in improving our service.
If you'd like to more about AVG Quarantine, please refer to the below article.
Quarantine - Getting Started
Note: Quarantine is a safe place in AVG AntiVirus for storing potentially harmful files and completely isolating them from the rest of your operating system. Files in Quarantine cannot be accessed or run by any outside processes, software applications, or viruses.
For further queries or need assistance, feel free to contact us.
Have a great day, stay safe online with AVG!
You're welcome, Wa.
Glad to know that our senior team were able to clarify your concern.
If you need any assistance with AVG in the future, please don't hesitate to contact us.
We'd be glad to help you. Have a great day. Stay safe!
Hello Samson,
Thank you for contacting AVG Community Support.
We're glad your issue is been resolved. Let us know if you have any concerns related to AVG and we'll check and help you.
Thank you.
Hello Wa.
We'd be glad to help.
Uninstalling AVG from Mac will remove all installation files including the quarantine folder.
Regarding accessing the contents of quarantine through the folders, we'll check this with our technical team and get back to you at the earliest possible.
Hello hyey,
Thank you for contacting AVG Community Support.
Let us know if you have any concerns related to AVG and we'll check and help you.
Thank you.
Dear Shawn,
Good day.
Thank you for your response and no apologies needed, the wait was worth it.
All i wanted to confirm was that any quarantined files have been removed.
Thank you once again, it was a pleasure.
Hi Otis,
We're glad to look into this & help you.
From your description, we're uncertain as to how we can assist you further.
Would you be so kind as to elaborate your concern & share us more details?
Awaiting your response.
Thank you Avinash for your prompt reply!
I will be eagerly awaiting your reply after the tech team checking.
Thank you loads again