Jonas, AVG Gurus… See info on LHS of the page [Scroll Down].
AVG Guru
Who are these neato AVG Gurus? I think one followed me home!
Should I block it or are they friendly folks who likes security and asssist?
Who are these neato AVG Gurus? I think one followed me home!
Should I block it or are they friendly folks who likes security and asssist?
Jonas, AVG Gurus.. See info on LHS of the page [Scroll Down].
AVG Guru
AVG Guru
Sowwy! I am one of those who finds systems and security interesting! =)
I don't even know if I was allowed to comment to others. I help......Blame my swedish side!
I don't even know if I was allowed to comment to others. I help......Blame my swedish side!
Look in the mirror! Too many of your comments went from I to we and us!