Antivirus software must be up-to-date always. Updated antivirus software helps to protect your PC from being infected with old and latest viruses. We all know every day develops many new viruses to infect your PC and steal your personal data, which is not safe for your PC even for you. The following are some reasons that can occur without updating antiviruses:
Some high risk’s viruses can crash your hard disk
The virus can keep tracking your daily PC activity
Without updating the antivirus, your PC gets a lock with some virus and you have to pay a high amount for unlocking your PC.
Your hard disk space will be occupied by viruses
Thank You Regards [Link removed]
Your personal detail/activity like banking can be stolen
I have the exact same information. I stop participating in this post because of the obvious lies about updates being received regularly but noit registered. Now i only whant to know the cause. I have three alternatives: 1. The AV are about to dissapear and only are waiting for the right time to do it and leave the suscribers in the air, or;
2. The company was victim of a cyber attack and they are impossibilitated of uploading new updates and can't admit it because is a shame for a AV company; or
3. I mentioned earlie the possibility of a strike of the updating team.
In this point i prefer honesty over a quick solution, because i am a faithful AVG user from almost twelve years. And teh dissapointment is worst that the updates problem.
First of all Santhosh, you just missed spelled my name. Its not Daemon, IT's Damon. If you really understood my concern and all of the other people who use your product, you and your team would have fixed the problem by now. Please stop blowing smoke up people butts. Right now both AVG and AVAST products virus database is at 191018-6. By this time both AVAST and AVG products should be using 191021-x virus database.everyone here has been showing your team that is not a UI bug but you and your team has not been uploading the current virus database to your server. everyone is getting the stream updates but not the virus database. You and your fellow teammates keep on saying that your "SENIOR TEAM" IS WORKING ON IT. most of us are beginning to distrust you and your fellow co-workers. Please tell us why we should keep using your products if you are not willing to keep up the Virus Database? Why?? As of right now I have no patience with you nor your company. I just don't trust you or your company at this time.
I call support with this problem a few months ago (without sensible answer) ... Same Today morning ...
(virus definitions say Older than two days) - version 191106-0. I Click Manual Update - new version 191106-2 (virus definitions say One Day old).
Very strange that there are currently no more frequent updates ... I. Best will be on one place on web write last version AVG definitions (example : 191106-2) - veeery simple II. Next - is there info about new patch 19.7 ? (of course not)
Antivirus software must be up-to-date always. Updated antivirus software helps to protect your PC from being infected with old and latest viruses. We all know every day develops many new viruses to infect your PC and steal your personal data, which is not safe for your PC even for you. The following are some reasons that can occur without updating antiviruses:
Some high risk’s viruses can crash your hard disk
The virus can keep tracking your daily PC activity
Without updating the antivirus, your PC gets a lock with some virus and you have to pay a high amount for unlocking your PC.
Your hard disk space will be occupied by viruses
Thank You Regards [Link removed]
Your personal detail/activity like banking can be stolen
Hello. Thank you very much for your time and patience. My name is Shawn, and I am writing to you on behalf of AVG’s senior support team.
I apologize for the expressed frustration and inconvenience shared on this forum regarding virus definition updates.
AVG is aware of this issue, and our development team is actively working to resolve this matter ASAP. In the interim, users are fully protected via our streaming update service.
Your time and being understanding of this situation is appreciated. Thanks, Shawn
If you suspect that your computer might be infected, scan your system immediately. If nothing is found, but you're still in doubt, get a second opinion by running an alternative antivirus scanner. Regards: (
I have the same situation. 3 Days without updates is excessive. Anyway i still be waiting but, is there a place when someone can check the version of the last update available to rule-out the posibility of an updating issue?
Piotr, we release virus definitions updates on regular basis. Most of the customers contacted us regarding the update and we started collecting necessary logs to analyze the root cause. If you would you like to provide the logs to help us with the situation, please contact our technical team using this link. If it is the free version, please create your own post on this community, so we can get the account details and send further steps via email. Thank you.
Damon, the issue has been fixed already. Please try to update AVG manually and let us know if the issue persists. Open AVG, click Menu -> Settings -> Update. Then click 'Update' for Virus definitions and Program definitions too.
I call support with this problem a few months ago (without sensible answer) ... Same Today morning ...
(virus definitions say Older than two days) - version 191106-0. I Click Manual Update - new version 191106-2 (virus definitions say One Day old).
Very strange that there are currently no more frequent updates ... I. Best will be on one place on web write last version AVG definitions (example : 191106-2) - veeery simple II. Next - is there info about new patch 19.7 ? (of course not)
Sorry for adding to the pandemonium, but my last update, too, was the aforementioned (Damon Lake) 10/12…10:04 AM. I've attempted manually updating several times to no avail. I'm using the free AVG version on my OS7 laptop. Additionally, my Android (OS6?) cellphone also uses your AVG antivirus app, and refuses to update beyond the 10/9 installment. Could you please explain what's going on? I've never experienced this problem before on either device. Thank you.
Keith, I regret for the inconvenience caused. Earlier, we suggested some basic troubleshooting steps to check if this resolves the issue. We found some customers were reported the same issue, so we escalated to our developers team for a fix. Our concern team is diligently is working on this and will get fixed in the upcoming updates. We appreciate your patience.