Hello Dave, that's really so good to know. I really commend you in taking up your time to let us know that it's been resolved. Thank you very much for that. Please get in touch incase you need any assistance. Thank you.
now sorted
my own stupidity
thought activate was enough
downladed new product and all is good
Using Premium protection 2014. paid a renewal for Protection pro
My account shows another years protection but I'm getting an unprotected warning and wont activate my renewal
followed advice for retrieving license number but only sends an old PC Tuneup number
deleted temp activation files as per advice.
No joy
Hello Dave, that's really so good to know. I really commend you in taking up your time to let us know that it's been resolved. Thank you very much for that. Please get in touch incase you need any assistance. Thank you.
now sorted
my own stupidity
thought activate was enough
downladed new product and all is good