Word files set to Read Pnly

Hello Jeff,
You have reached the right place and I am glad to assist you here.
Let us check if Microsoft word application is listed under 'Blocked apps' list. Open the AVG user interface and click the Hacker Attacks tile. Click the gear icon in the top-right corner. Ensure Full protection ▸ Ransomeware Protection is selected in the left panel, check if you see the application under blocked apps. If yes, please allow it and verify the status.
Keep us informed here.

Hi, I think this may have been answered by others, but there are so many 'answers' I don't know which to follow.

For a few weeks it has only been possible to save Word documents as 'Read Only' - not a massive problem until now - when I need to have a file that isn't set to Read-Only.

From reading many potential answers, some of which sound very dangerous to the computer - it is quite possible that this is an issue between Windows 10 and AVG ???

Could you advise please, many thanks



I think we may be there at last - brilliant
I removed all of the Microsoft applications from being blocked, but sadly this didn’t solve the problem.
With some trepidation, I then removed the block on Host Process for Windows services – as this sms closely linked to Microsoft – and it seems to now be OK

Thank you very much for your help
Best regards

Hi again

Many thanks for this - I've mostly been able to follow this, but a bit confused at one point…

After clicking the gear icon and then the 'Full Protection' tab,  and Ransome Ware protection,

It comes up with "Strict Mode"

But I don't get to view individual applications, just generic file types

Do you think I've ended up in the wrong place

Many thanks


Thank you for trying, Jeff.
Please click the below link to show steps to locate the blocked app list in AVG Internet Security.
Check for Microsoft programs in the blocked list and if located remove the programs.
Keep us posted.

Appreciate your efforts, Jeff. 
Thank you for updating the status. We alwats recommend our customer to enable Smart mode in ransomware protection instead of Strict mode. 
Feel free to let us know if we can be of more help.