World of warcraft

Hello X,

We realize the situation and will assist further on this matter.
Are you using the AVG Antivirus free version?
We request you to add the exception of Warcraft.exe file to AVG's exclusion as mentioned here and see if it helps.
If not, provide the screenshot of AVG window where you to turn off the active monitoring feature of AVG Antivirus.
Thank you.

Do you know the root cause?

Hey All,

Blizzard just updated World of Warcraft a couple of weeks ago, and it seems that some AV software are having issues with the update. I happen to be one of these people. If I enable "Passive mode" in AVG I no longer get "lost connection to voice chat" error in game.

A few things. Has anyone else had this issue? Is there a way that I can see what AVG is actively blocking? I did set an exception to the WowVoiceProxy.exe file in AVG that everyone is pointing to being the issue. That exception did not seem to work. The only fix to this point is shutting off the active monitoring in AVG. Obviously I would like to keep this enabled.

Here are a couple posts about the issue:

I am running Win7 AVG 19.1.3075 (build 19.1.4142.454)

Any help or ideas would be great!

Appreciate the details.
We'd request to disable each AVG component individually and verify the issue to further narrow down the issue. Once you are done with it, we'd request to add the whole folder to AVG's exceptions list.

Hi, we asked you to disable each component of AVG Antivirus and see which one is causing this issue.
Did you add the entire folder of Warcraft game to AVG's exclusion as mentioned earlier?

Hello Balasubramanian,

The ONLY components I have enabled are: File Shield (FS), Behavior Shield (BS), and Do No Disturb Mode (DNDM). Obviously its not FS or DNDM. So that leaves the BS, and I assume that its your BS that is what is causing the issue. I would like to keep the BS on, so I added the exception of \World of Warcraft* in the exceptions list. Adding this exception fixes the issue. Lets just error on the side that it is the BS that is causing the issue because FS and DNDM cant be the cause. I can test if you really think that one of the 2 others are causing the issue, but I think we can agree its not the root cause.

I am not sure what the next steps are. If you would like to reach out to me, you have mny email address. Otherwise please let me know what to text next.

Thank you for the reply Balasubramanian,

Yes, I am using the free AVG Antivirus version. AVG 19.1.3075 (build 19.1.4142.454)

There is no file called "warcraft.exe". They have 2 files that can start the game. "World of Warcraft Launcher.exe" and "Wow.exe". Are you just asking for me to add exception to the entire game? Please let me know what files you wanted to be added as exception.

Also, I do not understand your statement "If not, provide the screenshot of AVG window where you to turn off the active monitoring feature of AVG Antivirus" I am not sure why you would need a screenshot of your own software to see where the radio button is. I go to "Menu -> Settings -> Troubleshooting -> Passive Mode -> click button to turn that on. I may misunderstand the question.

Can you please let me know what files to add to exception? Also, If you are able, can you provide any information on what is causing this issue. I am working with Blizzard trying to track down this problem. It would be good to be able to pass this information along to others.

Thank you in advance

Do you know the root cause?

Hello Santhosh Pannerselvam

I disabled behavior shield and I still get the errors
I added exception for the entire World of Warcraft folder and still get the error.

The only thing that stops the errors is if I set to passive mode.

Hello X,

We realize the situation and will assist further on this matter.
Are you using the AVG Antivirus free version?
We request you to add the exception of Warcraft.exe file to AVG's exclusion as mentioned here and see if it helps.
If not, provide the screenshot of AVG window where you to turn off the active monitoring feature of AVG Antivirus.
Thank you.