Wrong email showing but cannot amend

Hello Cecilia,

I will assist you further.

Please logout from your AVG MyAccount from the AVG Internet Security interface and relogin to your account using outlook email address. This should fix the issue.

The AVG program you have purchased does not require to login to your AVG MyAccount.

If you face any difficulties, please share me the screenshot http://avgclick.me/getscreenshot of the page where it shows your old email address to assist further.

Hi, Last year I changed my broadband supplier from BT and reset all of my email accounts to Outlook.

My AVG account correctly shows my outlook.com address but on my computer my AVG Internet Security shows my btinternet.com address. 

I have tried to access my AVG account using the btinternet address but its not recognised (I chose the button 'Forgotten Password' ....because I had!)

I don't need to change my AVG account email but I cant change the wrong email address on AVG Internet Security.

Anyone know how I can get around this?

The logging out did solve the email address issue, thank you.  But it did panic me that I would revert to the 'free version'

I just wish accessing the license details was directly from the main screen rather than having to go through several screens before eventually finding it.  I am sure it never used to be like this. (And it is different to PC Tune-up)

Not to worry it's all sorted now (for another 3 years!)

Thank you both for responding to my cry for help. 🙂

Hello Cecilia,

I will assist you further.

Please logout from your AVG MyAccount from the AVG Internet Security interface and relogin to your account using outlook email address. This should fix the issue.

The AVG program you have purchased does not require to login to your AVG MyAccount.

If you face any difficulties, please share me the screenshot http://avgclick.me/getscreenshot of the page where it shows your old email address to assist further.

Glad to know that you have successfully activated the product.
You can submit your feedback regarding the option for activation.
Open AVG Internet Security interface.
Click on "Menu–>About–>Submit Feedback" to submit it.
Have a nice day!!!