Hi Marvin,
Thanks for your report and detailed desctiption. I've passed it to the developers (AV-5324). I'll get back to you as soon as I have any updates.
Have a good day,
Hi Marvin,
Thanks for your report and detailed desctiption. I've passed it to the developers (AV-5324). I'll get back to you as soon as I have any updates.
Have a good day,
Definitely no Best Answer yet, my question remains Unsolved.
Thanks Jan, but it seems unlikely that developers are unaware of this. Definitely not Best Answer, my question remains Unsolved.
Would anyone care for a scan result export? Of course they are all identical except time and final characters of filename:
"Command line scan"
"No infection was found during this scan"
"Scanned folders:";"c:\windows\temp\icsbecd.tmp"
"Started:";"8/29/2014, 11:39:08 AM"
"Finished:";"8/29/2014, 11:39:08 AM"
"Scanned items:";"1"
"Launched by:";"SYSTEM"
Thank you for not requesting system info, since nothing is wrong with my system. I'm not the only user to post about this issue at AVG Windows Community this summer. I will try once more to post a link (not happy about the appearance of links in my first post):
AVG Support Community | User Forum for All AVG products (https://support.avg.com/answers#!/feedtype=SINGLE_QUESTION_SEARCH_RESULT&id=906b00000004fcwAAA)
Quote: "any application or script can start the scan"
Well I haven't written any script to annoy myself, so AVG is still pointing its finger at ZoneAlarm. If you think that ZoneAlarm Free Firewall is running avgscanx commands with parameters specifying its own temp files as soon as they are created, then I really think you should install both programs on a PC in order to investigate this issue in detail. Maybe the firewall launches scans for many different brands of antivirus?
Quote: "we need log files from your computer to analyze"
Then why do you keep posting links to SysInfo.exe? There is nothing special about my system, and there is nothing wrong with my system! I'm afraid that CCleaner might have deleted AVG log files anyway, although it certainly did not remove AVG scan results or event history (I did that manually as described above). When last year's forum thread was more than 3 weeks old, what advice did AVG finally give (post #232829)?
Quote: "From provided outputs I can see that you have ZoneAlarm installed. Just to be sure that this issue isn't connected please try temporarily uninstalling it."
Well when I posted here on September 1, I made it perfectly clear that I had ZoneAlarm installed, and there was never any doubt in my mind that uninstalling either ZoneAlarm or AVG would put a stop to the unwanted command line scans launched by System. It might interest you to know that I have now temporarily uninstalled ZoneAlarm. There are no new ics***.tmp files in Windows/Temp, and there are no new command line scan results that detected nothing. I'm using Windows Firewall like a good little boy. (I wouldn't want AVG's firewall even if it was free.) So if AVG wants data that cannot be seen by other ZoneAlarm users who might find this thread, you must get it yourself!
"Uninstall ZoneAlarm" is not "Best Answer." The best answer would allow me to have both ZoneAlarm Free Firewall (without antivirus) and AVG Antvirus Free installed on this PC without being harassed by pointless command line scans of tiny temp files. This question remains Unsolved.
Yes I know it's now weekend, etc etc.
Well at least the link is blue this time The links in my first post do work, even though they look like plain text.
Hi all,
It is not listed there because there are no confirmed (with logs etc) issue with Zone Alarm Firewall (just firewall no other components installed).
So if AVG is hostile towards an app that is not listed as Conflicting, you suggest that I clean up the mess with an app that is listed as Conflicting? That sounds crazy, but I downloaded the latest free version of CCleaner and gave it a try. True, it removed a lot of junk; but one thing it did not remove was AVG scan results or event history. (Makes me wonder if Applications in conflict with AVG was perhaps written by Alan?) Another thing it did not remove was all those ics*** temp files that ZoneAlarm produces. However it did remove all those AVG junk files in c:\windows\temp (toolbar installer, etc.), and that folder is now only a few KB, so it was not a complete waste of time.
Bruce quote: "You could manually remove all scan results in Safe Mode by deleting ProgramData\AVG2014\DB\stats.db"
Thank you, that is effective, and it is the best answer so far - possibly the Best Answer I will ever get, considering the quality of AVG's "support" on this issue over the last 13 months. But if there is a secret command to stop unrequested command line scans launched by System, I hope AVG will provide it soon.
Marvin, maybe you should google "avast zonealarm problems" before jumping "out of the frying pan into the fire." I don't think I will try ZoneAlarm myself. I'm spending too much time thinking about PC security already, and I tend to agree with the philosophy of this article:
Bruce Sawyer quote 'Looking at the article "Applications in conflict with AVG" that you mentioned earlier, I notice that CCleaner is listed'…
Bruce, Update… CCleaner has now been removed from the listing by the team responsible @ AVG (https://support.avg.com/answers?id=906b0000000D4q8AAC).
AVG Guru
I wonder if anyone has tried ZoneAlarm with AVG 2015?
Marvin Martianul quote 'Makes me wonder if Applications in conflict with AVG was perhaps written by Alan?'…
Marvin, Just so you are fully aware of the procedures within AVG. All AVG reference articles used on the AVG Community Support are written by employees @ AVG HQ Brno, Czech Republic.
AVG Guru
Bruce Sawyer quote 'I wonder if anyone has tried ZoneAlarm with AVG 2015?'…
Bruce, Reading between the lines in the last posting by user Marvin Martianul it would appear that we can safely assume that won't be happening on their system.
AVG Guru
I understand your frustration Marvin and I'd like to assure that we doing our best to resolve this.
Actually I'd like to ask you for the AVG log files now on developers request. Based on the discussion with them, the command line scan is executed by ZoneAlarm or other 3rd party application.
Please let me know once the data are sent so I can pass them to developers.
I did not ask why ZoneAlarm Free Firewall is not listed as a conflicting application. In fact, I firmly believe that both apps were functioning exactly as intended! Beginning with late builds of AVG 2013, AVG has been attempting to scare ZoneAlarm users with command line scans of harmless ZoneAlarm temp files. The first report on the old AVG 2013 Forum was posted August 1, 2013.
Zbynek is well aware of this issue. On July 11, 2014, user Frank Hlavacek complained about frequent command line scans launched by system. How did Zbynek answer?
Quote: "Any chance you have Zone Alarm installed? If so please try uninstall it."
Here's the link:
AVG Support Community | User Forum for All AVG products (https://support.avg.com/answers#!/feedtype=SINGLE_QUESTION_SEARCH_RESULT&id=906b00000004fcwAAA)
You can pretend all you want that this issue hinges on Marvin's SysInfo. Marvin has absolutely no doubt that it would make no difference at all! It certainly is not Marvin's fault that AVG's developers aren't talented enough to develop a decent firewall - much easier to harass users of other firewalls.
Bruce quote: "I wonder if anyone has tried ZoneAlarm with AVG 2015?"
At the moment I'm testing another firewall with AVG, but my next move will probably be to install ZoneAlarm alongside Avast. Why don't you try it?
Self-proclaimed "AVG Guru": You have now "answered" 4 times without regard to my question. If you know the secret command to stop unwanted command line scans, then you may post again.
Well at least the link is blue this time The links in my first post do work, even though they look like plain text.
Hi Marvin,
Thanks for your report and detailed desctiption. I've passed it to the developers (AV-5324). I'll get back to you as soon as I have any updates.
Have a good day,
Sorry Marvin, I should've tested CCleaner before suggesting it. You could manually remove all scan results in Safe Mode by deleting ProgramData\AVG2014\DB\stats.db. You would still have Resident Shield and Identity Protection results, which are in detection.db. For event history, the file to delete is ProgramData\AVG2014\log\history.xml. (You don't necessarily have to be in Safe Mode in this case.) Of course new files will be started automatically.
AVG Swami
Quote: "any application or script can start the scan"
Well I haven't written any script to annoy myself, so AVG is still pointing its finger at ZoneAlarm. If you think that ZoneAlarm Free Firewall is running avgscanx commands with parameters specifying its own temp files as soon as they are created, then I really think you should install both programs on a PC in order to investigate this issue in detail. Maybe the firewall launches scans for many different brands of antivirus?
Quote: "we need log files from your computer to analyze"
Then why do you keep posting links to SysInfo.exe? There is nothing special about my system, and there is nothing wrong with my system! I'm afraid that CCleaner might have deleted AVG log files anyway, although it certainly did not remove AVG scan results or event history (I did that manually as described above). When last year's forum thread was more than 3 weeks old, what advice did AVG finally give (post #232829)?
Quote: "From provided outputs I can see that you have ZoneAlarm installed. Just to be sure that this issue isn't connected please try temporarily uninstalling it."
Well when I posted here on September 1, I made it perfectly clear that I had ZoneAlarm installed, and there was never any doubt in my mind that uninstalling either ZoneAlarm or AVG would put a stop to the unwanted command line scans launched by System. It might interest you to know that I have now temporarily uninstalled ZoneAlarm. There are no new ics***.tmp files in Windows/Temp, and there are no new command line scan results that detected nothing. I'm using Windows Firewall like a good little boy. (I wouldn't want AVG's firewall even if it was free.) So if AVG wants data that cannot be seen by other ZoneAlarm users who might find this thread, you must get it yourself!
"Uninstall ZoneAlarm" is not "Best Answer." The best answer would allow me to have both ZoneAlarm Free Firewall (without antivirus) and AVG Antvirus Free installed on this PC without being harassed by pointless command line scans of tiny temp files. This question remains Unsolved.
Yes I know it's now weekend, etc etc.